01/15 to 07/31 — Registration as attendee.
01/15 to 03/22 — Submission of papers, through the Even3 platform.
03/01 to 03/31 — Evaluation of submissions by the scientific committee.
04/02 — Evaluation results, to be sent via email.
04/03 to 07/25 — Registrations through the Even3 platform.
1st lot: from 04/03 to 04/20
Undergraduate: R$50
Master’s: R$70
Doctoral: R$100
Artists: R$70
Faculty: R$120
2nd lot: from 04/21 to 05/15
Undergraduate: R$60
Master’s: R$80
Doctoral: R$110
Artists: R$80
Faculty: R$130
3rd lot: from 05/16 to 06/15
Undergraduate: R$70
Master’s: R$90
Doctoral: R$120
Artists: R$90
Faculty: R$140
*ETDUFPA’s Students, staff and faculty are granted free admission as audience members and will receive certificates.
04/03 to 05/31 — Submission of full papers, through the Even3 platform.
06/14 — Publication of the complete program.
07/31 to 08/02 — Period of the 4th RIEC Congress.